In the Leeway
My husband Wolfgang and I came together later in life, having already learned some things about being married. We were matched up by an algorithm and would never have predicted we’d be as compatible as we are. This project, initially conceived as a book, consists of figure studies of us and a series of statements that describe how our differences in temperament have created tensions but also made us interesting to each other. The photographs, shot in silhouette and digitally collaged into architectural spaces suggest that it is possible to know someone very well and still find them mysterious.
The collage process involves improvisation and the joining together of disparate elements into a unified whole. There is certainly a parallel to the way a marriage evolves over time. In the Leeway refers to the allowable margin, the space we give each other to be ourselves.
1. freedom to act within particular limits, the allowable margin
2. the sideways drift of a vessel